Most people get their wisdom teeth during their late teens or early 20s. The development of wisdom teeth can lead to a host of oral health complications, and the simplest solution is typically to have those wisdom teeth removed. We are pleased to offer wisdom teeth removal here at The Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Center of South Louisiana in Covington, LA.
Reasons for Wisdom Teeth Removal
Some patients are lucky enough to have wisdom teeth that are fully erupted and correctly positioned, meaning these back molars never cause any problems. More often than not, however, the wisdom teeth need to be removed for one of these reasons:
The wisdom teeth remain impacted (completely submerged beneath gum tissue), leading to pain, infection, or the development of dangerous cysts.
The wisdom teeth erupt through the gum tissues just partially, making them difficult to keep clean.
The wisdom teeth erupt but are positioned too close to other teeth, leading to crowding and tooth misalignment issues.
- The wisdom teeth remain impacted (completely submerged beneath gum tissue), leading to pain, infection, or the development of dangerous cysts.
- The wisdom teeth erupt through the gum tissues just partially, making them difficult to keep clean.
- The wisdom teeth erupt but are positioned too close to other teeth, leading to crowding and tooth misalignment issues.
Average Age for Wisdom Teeth Removal
One of the most common questions we hear about wisdom teeth removal is, “At what age is it recommended?”
The wisdom teeth typically emerge during the late teens or early 20s, though this can vary from patient to patient.
Your dentist or oral surgeon may recommend that you have your wisdom teeth removed as early as possible, which usually means the late teen years; by extracting them so early, you can often avoid experiencing any problems with them in the future. In other cases, your doctor may recommend simply monitoring the wisdom teeth to see how they develop, with the understanding that they may not need to come out at all.
Signs My Wisdom Teeth Need to Be Removed
There are a few common indicators that your wisdom teeth are causing problems and need to be removed. Some of the usual warning signs include:
- Chronic or persistent pain in your teeth
- Recurring infection of soft tissue behind the lower last tooth
- The development of fluid-filled sacs, or cysts, near the wisdom teeth
- Damage to the surrounding teeth
Gum disease or extensive tooth decay - Early signs of crowding or tooth alignment issues
If you have exhibited any of these symptoms and think you need to have your wisdom teeth pulled, we invite you to contact our office to schedule a consultation.
Impacted Wisdom Teeth Explained
The wisdom teeth are typically the last teeth to appear. The jawbone often does not have adequate space for these additional teeth to emerge or develop normally. Since they do not have the room they need to erupt, the wisdom teeth can remain mostly or completely submerged underneath the gum tissue. When this happens, the teeth are said to be “impacted.”
Impacted wisdom teeth can result in a number of issues, ranging from chronic pain to damage to the surrounding teeth. Since impacted wisdom teeth are covered in gum tissue, they are hard to clean, making them especially vulnerable to disease and decay. The bottom line: When wisdom teeth remain impacted, it is almost always best to have them removed.
Impacted Wisdom Teeth Symptoms
Because impacted wisdom teeth are submerged in the gum tissue, you likely will not be able to see the tooth itself. However, you may notice redness or swelling of the gums. The best way to identify impacted wisdom teeth is to have full scans taken by your dentist or oral surgeon.
Prevent Future Dental Problems
In some cases, impacted wisdom teeth cause no problems at all. However, years into the future, they may start pushing against the surrounding teeth, which can cause those teeth to become misaligned. As such, we will often recommend having impacted wisdom teeth removed, helping you avoid future dental problems before they even begin.
How Much Does Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost in the Covington, LA area?
As you prepare for your wisdom teeth removal, it is only natural to have some questions about the cost. The cost can vary from patient to patient, depending on a number of factors. Some of these factors include the number of wisdom teeth you are having removed, whether or not those wisdom teeth are impacted, and the type of sedation needed. The best way to get a more individualized quote is to join us for a consultation with Dr. Brandner, who can assess your specific needs.
Remember that wisdom teeth removal is generally considered a vital oral health service and is often covered by dental insurance. We can help you determine the estimated cost of your implants during your consultation.
Preparing for Wisdom Teeth Removal
Dr. Brandner will furnish you with all the information you need to prepare for your wisdom teeth removal procedure. This may include special instructions about what to eat before the procedure, medications you need to discontinue, and more. Feel free to contact our office in the Covington, LA area with any specific questions about wisdom teeth extractions.
What To Expect From Wisdom Teeth Removal
Wisdom teeth removal tends to be a very quick and straightforward procedure. We perform extractions here in our office, and the entire process can take as little as 30 to 45 minutes. We provide full sedation for your procedure, ensuring that you do not experience discomfort as your wisdom teeth are removed.
Before your procedure, Dr. Brandner will fully educate you about the surgery itself, as well as the recovery process. Specifically, he will give you all the information you need to care for the extraction site post-procedure and minimize your risk of dry socket.
Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery
You will also receive plenty of information about maintaining proper oral hygiene in the period following your wisdom tooth recovery. Most of our patients feel back to normal within a day or two, and we see very few cases of dry socket.
If any concerns arise, you are invited to contact Dr. Brandner directly at (985) 687-1616.