Most oral surgery procedures are done on an outpatient basis, which means that once the procedure is finished, patients are discharged rather than kept in the hospital overnight. Because of this, your doctor will provide extensive aftercare and recovery guidelines, along with instructions for how to prepare for a safe and successful procedure.
One thing your pre-surgery instructions will include is information about prescription medications. Specifically, it is important to know whether you are permitted to keep taking your regular meds in advance of surgery, whether you need to discontinue them, or whether there are alternative medications you should take.
If you do take prescription medications, be sure you furnish a complete list to your surgeon, and that you are clear on whether or not it is safe to keep using those meds.
Is it Safe to Use Prescription Medications Before Oral Surgery?
Ultimately, your doctor will make a recommendation about prescription medications based on a number of factors. These include the nature of the surgery, the type of anesthesia that will be used, the type of medication, and your personal medical history. In other words, this is a determination that will be made on a case-by-case basis.
A few general rules of thumb include:
● Some medications may cause an adverse reaction with the medications used in surgery, including the anesthesia or the antibiotics used to prevent infection. In these situations, your doctor may recommend that you find a different medication. Or they may be able to adjust the medications used during the procedure.
● Some medications are more critical than others. If you can skip a dose or two without any negative impact or risk, that may be the best solution.
● Some medications function as anticoagulants, which means they can prevent blood clots. For procedures that require incisions, including wisdom teeth removal, anticoagulants must always be avoided.
● Your doctor needs to know not just about prescription medications but even supplements that you take, some of which may cause excessive bleeding or other complications.
A final note: Your doctor will tell you which medications not to take, but also which medications you need to take to ensure a safe procedure. For example, you may be advised to take a prescription antibiotic before your surgery, reducing the risk of infection. Make sure you follow all of the directions you are provided.
Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Brandner
Do you have questions about how to prepare for oral surgery or about specific medications you are taking? Dr. Brandner is always happy to offer insight. To schedule a consultation, contact The OMS Center of South Louisiana at your convenience.