Pre- and Post-Operative Instructions

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As a courtesy to our office, when rescheduling or canceling a surgery appointment, please contact our office at least 24 business hours prior to the appointment. Otherwise, a surgical charge will be applied to the account.

Pre-Operative Instructions

Please be advised the antibiotics and many other medications can decrease the effectiveness of birth control pills.

  1. Nothing to eat after midnight unless directed otherwise
  2. Take all regular medications unless otherwise instructed by physician.
  3. Take PRE-MED PACKET one hour prior to the appointment time with a full glass of water. Do not drive after taking medicine.
  4. Please have someone drive you to the office, drive home, and stay with you the day of surgery. Your escort should be prepared to stay in our reception room during surgery.
  5. Wear short-sleeved comfortable clothing.
  6. Do not wear jewelry or electronic devices.
  7. Ladies: No makeup on morning of surgery.
  8. If you wear contacts, please do not wear the day of surgery.
  9. Lunch and dinner day of surgery: Nutrition is very important to the healing process. Cold, soft, nutritious food. Example: ice cream, milkshakes, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.
  10. Patients with small children should make arrangements for the children to be cared for by someone else the day of surgery.
  11. Please contact this office immediately should the possibility of pregnancy arise at any time during your care.

Post-Operative Instructions

Day of Surgery

Facial Care:

Place ice packs on surgery sides of face continuously throughout the day, 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off. Elevate head on two pillows.


Pain Medications – Should be taken with food. Start with a 1/2 tablet. Start the medication within 2-3 hours after surgery and then as directed.

Antibiotics – Take as directed on bottle. Take probiotics while taking antibiotics. Give 1-2 hours after antibiotics at night.

Steroid Dose Pack – To reduce swelling, divide today’s dose into two doses. Take 3 tablets now and then 3 tablets prior to bedtime, and then take as directed.


Gauze pads were placed on surgical sites. These should be removed before taking in any food or drink. If active bleeding is noted, replace gauze and bite down firmly for 30-45 minutes. If bleeding continues, bite down on a cold wet tea bag.


Cold, soft foods only today. Do not use straws for 1 week. Eat soft foods such as ice cream, shakes, pudding, and yogurt. Scrambled eggs and soups are fine if cooled to room temperature. No boiled seafood for one week.

Brushing and Rinsing:

No brushing teeth today. No rinsing for one week: no mouthwash or saltwater rinsing.


No strenuous activities today. No smoking for at least 4-5 days.

Second Day

  1. Can use ice today if desired.
  2. Alternate prescribed pain medication with Tylenol, Advil, Aleve, or Motrin. Continue taking antibiotics and other medications as directed.
  3. Keep activities to a minimum.
  4. Add warm soft foods to diet today (oatmeal, grits, eggs, soup, and pasta).
  5. Begin brushing, avoiding areas of surgery.

Third Day

  1. Start using moist heat (wet, warm washcloth) to affected sides of face for 20-30 minutes, 2-3 times a day for the next 4 days.
  2. Discomfort should be relieved with Tylenol, Advil, Aleve, or Motrin.
  3. Can resume regular diet as tolerated.

Sinus Precautions

Your surgery was in the sinus area and for this reason, these extra care instructions have been included for your proper healing and comfortable recovery.

  1. Do not blow your nose.
  2. If you feel a sneeze coming – open your mouth to equalize the pressure.
  3. Take decongestant medication as directed.
  4. Do not be alarmed if you have a nosebleed – this may or may not happen. If it does occur, stop your activity, sit on a recliner, and apply ice (10 minutes on and 10 minutes off) to side of the nosebleed.

If you have any questions, please call our office at (985) 687-1616. We are always available through our answering service.

Report Any of the Following

  1. Increased swelling later than the 3rd day after surgery.
  2. Increased discomfort, not relieved by medication.
  3. Elevated temperature.

One week after surgery, areas will be examined. If you have any questions, please call our office at (985) 687-1616.